Play 4-Dimensional Tic-Tac-Toe here. 4-Dimensional Tic-Tac-Toe takes longer to play than ordinary tic-tac-toe and is much more challenging. Tic-tac-toe is also known as noughts and crosses (can also be spelled naughts and crosses or Os and Xs). The game on this site is called tic-tac-toe because it is based on a grid of 3x3 squares. Some games use a 4x4 matrix instead. To play noughts and crosses in three dimensions, make three tic-tac-toe grids and call them Upper Middle and Lower. There will be 27 squares, but the middle square will provide so much benefit to the player who takes it that it makes the game trivial again. So in 3-D O's and X's and 4D Tic-Tac-Toe the middle square is unavailable to either player. In Four dimensional O's and X's there are 81 squares cut down to 80 as the middle square is unavailable. Playing 4-D tic-tac-toe can help to exercise your pattern recognition and short term memory skills. The activity of thinking ahead and pattern recognition tasks can help train your brain and helps to counteract the ageing process.


Cookie Policy

The game requires a Cookie to be set.
The cookie contains only the information you key into the New Game box
and a count of turns taken.
No information is stored by us or used for any purpose other than game play.

Additional Information

Name of the game

This site has only the 3x3 game in both 3 and 4 dimensions.

I call this game "4-Dimensional Tic-Tac-Toe" because it is tic-tac-toe (or noughts and crosses) on a 3x3 board, but in four dimensions instead of two.

There are other games of a similar name employing a 4x4 grid in 4 dimensions. You could also play O's and X's on a single large grid of say 12x12 squares, where points are for 4-in-a-row in any direction, or 3 in a row etc. With variable grid size and variable dimensions and scoring there are many possibilities.

Turn counter

The turn counter counts moves made (human or computer). Going "back" or re-scoring is not a turn. A full game takes 80 turns, or more if you go back and re-take turns.

Response time

CPU time for the script to run is displayed in the bottom left corner.


Cheating & hacking

The game state is sent to box5862 or whatever web server is in use via the URL, and the URL can obviously be edited. It is therefore possible to cheat. You could let the computer play itself then adjust the player names to make you the winner and change the 'c' for computer to an 'h' for human. Who would know?

The server adds to the existing scores it finds in the URL. If you think these may not be correct, click 'Re-Score'.

Going Back: You can use the 'back' button on your browser to go back a turn.
If you want to go back several turns at once (Eg 10 turns), you can also edit the URL and change the action from "move" to "back10" as in "…cgi?_action_=move&" to "…cgi?_action_=back10&"

  • Use 'backX' to go back X turns.
  • Don't put a space in.
  • Make sure you leave the '&' as is.
  • Just 'back' will go back one move.

Style not found error

If you bookmarked your place and come back later, you may get a 'Style Not Found' message.
The server will give you a default style (probably "Plain") instead.
You can change the style by editing the URL.

To see a list of valid styles look in the 'Select a Style' pop-up in the New Game box.
To edit the URL, find '_game_=' Eg "...cgi?_action_=move&_game_=Plain;..."
and change "Plain" to the desired style.
Do not remove the semi-colon.

© Copyright

Site is all my own work and contains free to use backgrounds, images and icons as well as my own. In case I have somehow used your not-really-free work in error let me know (webmaster@).